New Brighton Pushing FULL STEAM Ahead

New Brighton Pushing FULL STEAM Ahead

Home, STEMWalk
New Brighton pushed full steam ahead into their 2018-19 STEAM-Walk on February 6, 2019. Roughly 150 students and their family members were in attendance. The walk included 20 different displays of scientific theories and fact finding. A great time was had by all. The BCET is proud to help support this wonderful event with a $1000 grant.
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BCET to attend Beaver County Bookfest

BCET to attend Beaver County Bookfest

The Beaver County Educational Trust will have a booth at the Beaver County Bookfest. Come sign your pre-schooler up for the Growing with Books program. Find out what the BCET has been up to in 2015-2016. Did your child's teacher receive a Great Ideas Mini-Grant? Come find out. Kids are welcome to come color a page and get a free age appropriate book. Make sure to stop by between 10am and 4pm tomorrow!
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BCET Event to Thank Donors

BCET Event to Thank Donors

GreatIdeasGrant, Home, STEMWalk
The BCET held an event at the Log Cabin in Beaver to thank the many corporate and individual donors of the organization. The event was held on Tuesday, September 22, 2015. Outgoing President, Mark Breedlove, personally thanked representatives from Highmark for the $20k donation to the STEM Walk program and the continued support for 2016. Lincoln Learning Solutions, a.k.a. NNDS, was also singled out for the company's $45k three-year pledge to support the Great Ideas Mini-Grant program.
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