BCET Nominates Nicole Darroch for PA ToY

BCET Nominates Nicole Darroch for PA ToY

Mrs. Darroch has been nominated by the BCET for the PA Teacher of the Year. Nicole Darroch was honored at the Coming Together for Education event in May as one of the BCET Teachers of the Year. And her 2018 award winning grant was focused on Storytime STEAM Packs. Nicole is a STEAM educator in the Ambridge Area School District and instructs students in grades k-6.  Her creativity and ingenuity has helped transform the Ambridge Elementary STEAM program. https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.339fc21f-ce7d-4e09-97d3-02abc92a25f8&share_token=zmxQG0xBSw-Ja_w6_mCISQ&mode=share
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Coming Together for Education

Coming Together for Education

Fundraising, Home
Join us for the Beaver County Educational Trust annual recognition and awards dinner. Educators in Beaver County will be honored along with many others who are working hard to improve education in the area. Your attendance is a great way to show your support for all the educational programs of the Beaver County Educational Trust. [civicrm component="event" id="7" action="info" mode="live" hijack="1"]
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Beaver County Teacher of the Year Makes PA Semi-Finals

Beaver County Teacher of the Year Makes PA Semi-Finals

Caitlyn Bajgier, a teacher in the Ambridge School District, was named co-winner of the inaugural BCET Beaver County Teacher of the Year award in 2017. Her name was submitted to the PA Teacher of the Year committee along with her co-winner Ellie Taraborrelli from Beaver Area School District. Mrs. Bajgier has been selected as a Semi-Finalist for PA Teacher of the Year by the state committee. The BCET would like to congratulate Mrs. Bajgier on making it through the first round selection process and wish her luck in the semi-finals.
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