Heritage Valley Health Systems Gives to Growing with Books Program

Heritage Valley Health Systems Gives to Growing with Books Program

Fundraising, GrowingWithBooks, Home
Heritage Valley Health Systems graciously gave $5,000 to the BCET Growing with Books program for 2017-2018. The literary program that sees participants, who are children under 5, receive an age appropriate book twice a year has seen it's numbers grow. On average the program costs $30,000 per year, with costs expected to rise in 2018. The BCET is very appreciative of the donation and is still in need of additional funds. If you would like to make a donation, please visit the BCET donation page.
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BCET Celebrating National Reading Day with Fundraiser @ Kretchmar’s Bakery

BCET Celebrating National Reading Day with Fundraiser @ Kretchmar’s Bakery

GrowingWithBooks, Home
National Reading Day is March 2nd a.k.a, Dr. Seuss' Birthday. In honor of Dr. Seuss and National Reading Day, the Beaver County Educational Trust has partnered with Kretchmar's Bakery to collect donations to help the Growing with Books program. Kretchmar's Bakery will be giving out a FREE Thing 1 & Thing 2 Cookie or Cupcake with every donation of $2 or more.
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