Robotics and Advanced Robotics @ PSU Beaver

Robotics and Advanced Robotics @ PSU Beaver

Robotics (ages 8 to 10) Use The LEGO® Mindstorm Invention Kit to design and build a robot!  Use RCX programming code to make it operate as you wish. The programming language used by LEGO® was developed with the MIT Media Lab. Can your robot navigate through the maze without stumbling? On the last day of this camp, teams will compete operating robots through an amusing obstacle course. Camp details Dates: Monday - Friday, July 20 - 24, 2020 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Cost: $145 Register for Robotics (Ages 8 to 10) Advanced Robotics (ages 11 to 14) Adding to the activities in the Robotics camp, this advanced robotics camp uses C Code to program our robots to perform specific sequences and operations. We also will explore the VEX Robotics Design…
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