BCET Holds Donors Happy Hour

BCET Holds Donors Happy Hour

Events, Fundraising, Home
On the evening of September 24, 2024, the Beaver County Educational Trust (BCET) hosted a memorable Happy Hour event at Frank G's in Bridgewater. The gathering provided a unique opportunity for BCET donors to connect with board members and meet some of the educators whose projects have benefited from the Trust’s funding initiatives. The event saw a strong turnout, with 35 guests in attendance, including representatives from five school districts that have received funding for innovative projects like the Story-Walk grants, STEAM-Walk grants, and Great Idea Mini-grants. It was an evening filled with gratitude, collaboration, and inspiration. From left to right: Mike Jones (BCET President), Bob Clements (Lincoln Learning Solutions), Beth Dewhurst (BCET board member) and Jenn Sharek (Blackhawk) BCET President, Mike Jones, of MUTJ Law Offices, kicked off the…
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It’s Platinum for the BCET!

It’s Platinum for the BCET!

Fundraising, Home
The Beaver County Educational Trust has once again earned the "Platinum Seal of Transparency" from Candid - GuideStar. Corporate and individual donors alike can feel confident that the BCET is honoring its commitments and fiduciary responsibilities, thanks to GuideStar’s Platinum Transparency status. Candid -GuideStar is the premiere destination for nonprofit research with profiles on over 1.8 million nonprofits across the United States.
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LLS Pulls off the Hat-Trick

LLS Pulls off the Hat-Trick

Fundraising, GrowingWithBooks, Home
Lincoln Learning Solutions, a Rochester-based, nonprofit, education management foundation, pulled off a wonderful hat-trick with its third and final $15,000 donation to the "Growing with Books" program. The most resent installment represents the last in a 3 year commitment of total commitment of $45,000. Through Growing with Books, Beaver County children five and younger receive a free book by mail in the spring and fall. The program is a collaboration between the Beaver County Educational Trust, the Beaver County Rehabilitation Center and the Heritage Valley Health System. Growing with Books—based on the principle that reading is the essence of learning—has distributed more than 28,000 books since inception.
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Lincoln Park Performs an Act of Kindness to Bring Us Together for Education

Lincoln Park Performs an Act of Kindness to Bring Us Together for Education

Fundraising, Home
Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center leaped at the chance to be part of the "Coming Together for Education" fundraising event as the marquee sponsor. The event benefits the Beaver County Educational Trust and is scheduled for May 20th between 6pm-8pm at the newly renovated Willows in Industry, PA. Lincoln Park will be featuring "In the Heights" in the month of June. With performances scheduled for the 14th through the 16th and the 21st through the 23rd. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets for In The Heights The Beaver County Educational Trust is a supporter of the arts in Beaver County and has funded numerous arts based mini-grants for Beaver County teachers. The BCET is proud to have Lincoln Park's support and participation in "Coming Together for Education". Tickets for the…
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Banking on Huntington for $5k

Banking on Huntington for $5k

Fundraising, Home
The BCET received a generous $5000 EITC donation from Huntington Bank in 2018. Earned Income Tax Credit donations come straight out of PA corporate income taxes allowing corporations located in PA to funnel their tax dollars directly to EIO's across the state. Check out the DCED website for more details.
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