Freshman trustee, Jim Masterson, brings a wealth of business acumen to the BCET. He is the current Director of Operations at ARDEX and works out of the Hopewell site.  With a great understanding of operations from the manufacturing world, Jim hopes to align the BCET’s processes with the goals of the organization. Upon joining the board of trustees, he had this to say,

“I enjoy working and living in Beaver County and I see this as an opportunity to contribute to this community.  A strong education system is vital to the success of any community and I am looking forward to supporting and enhancing the work being done by the BCET.”

One of the programs that drew Mr. Masterson attention was the new, Beaver County Works #STEMCHALLENGE, which ARDEX hosted a portion of the days events. However, his favorite BCET program is the Great Idea Mini-Grant. He believes the program drives creativity in the classroom, which he feels is necessary to maintain student engagement.

The BCET is proud to add Mr. Masterson to the list of trustees and wishes him the warmest of welcomes.

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